SENSES - Impact 2019


Social enterprises are developing really fast in South-East Europe. Impact 2019 is dedicated to enhance and accelerate impact investing in Europe. SENSES supports Impact 2019 with all our hearts.

On the final event of Impact 2019 conference, the winners for the best social campaign in 2018 were announced. The best social campaigns in Croatia are Prekinimo šutnju and Boranka! We are all very proud!

Prekinimo šutnju - Croatia has been experiencing its own #MeToomoment, as women protest at being put through avoidable suffering and abuse during pregnancy and childbirth.

Boranka is a campaign which main goal is a reforestation of the Dalmatian coast (Croatia). The aim of the campaign is to raise awareness of citizens, especially children, about the importance of forests, nature protection as well as the fire prevention and fire protection. Within the campaign, trees burned in fires were used to create black ash as an unique ingredient in creating charcoal pencils called #Boralice. People were able to join the campaign by drawing their own tree, name it, and place it in a virtual forest through a special application. For each drawn tree volunteers planted a little tree. As the virtual forest grows, the number of live plants increases too. Symbolically, a new life emerges from a burnt tree. Watch a very interesting video about this campaing available is HERE

Click HERE or the picture for more information about the event.


Programme co-funded by European Union funds (ERDF, IPA, ENI)