GREEN DANUBE - results dissemination and sustainability within the local seminar MARLENA


On 28th of February 2019 ACTEDJ’s representatives participated at the local seminar implemented within the context of MARLENA project BSB 139 – Elimination of the maritime waste, new approaches organized by the Association for Sustainable Development “PRUT – DANUBE” with the theme “Pollution of the water bodies, pollution of the protected area, solutions for the pollution decreasing “.

The event enabled the environment in which stakeholders from both public and private sector discussed the pressing issues regarding the pollution in the Black Sea region especially the river and maritime litter.  An innovative solution developed by the Robotics team from the College Al. I.Cuza was also presented – eco-efficiency robot that can prevent food waste and can be used as example in development of innovative solution for decreasing the marine and river litter. Within this context, ACTEDJ had the opportunity to present the GREEN DANUBE project results and expertise and to also identify new opportunities for partnership within the Black Sea region that are complementary with the ongoing initiatives in the Danube region. 

More information can be found at:



Programme co-funded by European Union funds (ERDF, IPA, ENI)