InnoSchool - Hungarian students attitudes towards Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (STEM) and entrepreneurship


The Hungarian Central Transdanubian Regional Innovation Agency, a partner in the InnoSchool project, is committed to understand better the processes that shapes the every day life of local residents and determine the future of the region. CTRIA participated in a national educational project, which aimed to explore students attitudes towards Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (STEM) and entrepreneurship.

From the perspective of InnoSchool project, this later might provide an essential input to refine the InnoSchool Learning System at local level in the future. The focus of the research was on Fejér county and it was carried out with the inclusion of 32 middle and primary shcools from Székesfehérvár and from the surronding cities. The reasearch was finished by mid of February 2019 and involved more than 3 000 students.

The findings of the research provided us with a better understanding of the attitudes towards entrepreneurship. Among the main findings, we experienced a strong desire among students to learn more about entrepreneurship as a curricular or extra-curricular subject. Students were opened to participate in activities where they can develop their entrepreneurial skills through edutainment programs. In addition, we have explored some of the missing skills – for example leading, time-management, and working with students with different background –, which could be addressed with the InnoSchool serious game. Presentation of the results was done by Ákos Szépvölgyi, managing director of CTRIA, who used the opportunity to promote InnoSchool project as well.


Programme co-funded by European Union funds (ERDF, IPA, ENI)