ECO KARST - Third workshop with stakeholders organized in Croatia


On April 10, 2019, a third workshop named Presentation of the Action plan with the aim of overview and improvements of suggested activities for ecosystem conservation was held in the Eco Centre Slani Dol, Žumberak-Samoborsko gorje Nature Park, Croatia.

A total of 27 participants from different sectors took participation, including decision makers, local inhabitants and employess of Žumberak-Samoborsko gorje Nature Park.

The programme of the workshop started with an overview of activities implemented so far as well as results achieved in the previous 2 ECO KARST workshops, presented by Mr Damir Krsic. The presentation of the Croatian version of short ECO KARST movie followed. Participants had a chance to get an inspiration for Pro Biodiversity business, by watching motivating and interesting stories of people along the Danube region and enjoying in breathtaking nature of 7 protected karst areas. 

Mrs Dubravka Kranjčević shared valuable insights on BIO maps as a significant tool and a good baseline for the implementation of activities as specified within the Action plan.

The practical part of the workshop was led by Mrs Ivana Šarić Kapelj from the association BIOM. Participants worked in two groups, aiming the complementing of actions from the two thematic areas: agriculture and tourism. This way, acitivities and crucial steps for the Action plan implementation are developed in details.

The workshop was concluded with the presentation of results and announcement of planned activities within the ECO KARST project.

Programme co-funded by European Union funds (ERDF, IPA, ENI)