Celebrate the Day of Europe participating to the Interact AMATEUR VIDEO COMPETITION !


Happy Day of Europe! The Danube Transnational Programme wants to celebrate this important day joining the new Interact Programme initiative.

Interact Programme launched an amateur video competition to celebrate European Cooperation Day 2019. The aim is to capture the spirit of being European through a short video that would ‘speak’ to both stakeholders and the general public. For this occasion, the Danube Transnational Programme invites university and high-school students to contribute with a brief movie answering to the question why EUROPE IS YOU and how Europe benefits you. The video can be recorded with a smartphone, by anyone who aims to take part to the initiative (it does not need to be a professional video); the crucial aspect is to highlight how and why Europe is important for you.

The contributions can be submitted between May 13 and  June 30, 2019.

The participants need to send an email to giulia.stefano@dtp.interreg-danube.eu including:

  1. The link to access the short video created (of maximum 40 seconds and recorded in English or in the local language). This link should be created through www.WeTransfer.com, with the name of the participant.
  2. Written application form. Annex 2
  3. Authorisation sheet (if the participants under 18 years old). Annex 3

The finalist videos will be pre-selected by a jury set up by DTP, according to the following criteria: relevance to the competition aim, aesthetic quality, and creativity. The DTP then, will promote the selected videos on its social media channels.The final selection, with the winner proclamation will take place during the European Cooperation Day 2019 (Septmeber 21st), where they will be awarderd with 2 smart watches provided by Interact Programme.

Terms of Reference and Application Form are available here!

Programme co-funded by European Union funds (ERDF, IPA, ENI)