InnoSchool - Advisory Groups ready to get started


As the basic concept of the InnoSchool Learning System (ILS) was drafted, InnoSchool project will now focus on a new significant action: establishing and conducting the territorial regional Advisory Groups (AG).

In each territory, Advisory groups will be established by 10 representatives from teachers and students of Upper secondary schools, education authorities responsible for pilot implementation or curriculum at regional or national level and other interest groups (institutions working in social services and business representatives). They will provide important feedback and ideas throughout the whole process of ILS development, twice: on the 1st version of ILS concept (April-May 2019) and on the first developed ILS (November – December 2019). Countries where AG meetings will take place are the Czech Republic, Austria, Bulgaria, Romania, Slovakia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Serbia, and Republic of Moldova. Anyway, the aim of the AG meetings is more than an assessment of the current ILS concept, but also discovering expectations, advices and wishes on the Learning System.

The format of the meeting is represented by the focus-group method, since this is a powerful way to involve multi-stakeholder groups in the design and development of Learning Systems. Alternatively, Advisory Group members can also participate through individual interviews. Topics for AG meetings refer to presentation of the ILS concept with handouts about ILS modules and the SWOT template for each participant and discussions & feedback session on attractiveness, impact and missing elements of ILS, AG member´s expectations, game and social media interaction, relevancy of social topics for students and many others. Naturally, discussion modus will depend on the constellation of the meeting: in plenary for homogenous group or working individual / in sub groups followed by a short presentation in plenary for heterogeneous group. Each project partner involved in the activity will summarize the feedback from their territorial Advisory Groups.  

The entire activity of territorial Advisory Groups is carried out under the methodology for Advisory Group meetings prepared by the Austrian partner of the project.

Programme co-funded by European Union funds (ERDF, IPA, ENI)