DTP participates in the EU Green Week


From May 13 to May 17 2019, the EU celebrates the #EUGreenWeek with a series of events, seminars and meetings for promoting and sharing EU environmental regulation and policies to face climate change and to support environmental projects and initiatives.

The joint stand Interreg Porgrammes undertook for the occasion represents one more example of cooperation between European regional programmes, #MadeWithInterreg.

To celebrate the EU Green Week the Interreg Programmes worked together to the brochure: Working for a Greener Europe. The publication, illustrates 24 projects, conducted by different regional porgrammes throughout Europe and related to environmental protection. Those projects underline how the transnational partnerships tested new ways to protect and manage healthy ecosystems, to implement fossil-free energy solutions, to develop the circular economy, sustainable tourism and green mobility.

DTP projects described in Working for a Greener Europe are: Protecting Amazon of Europe and Danube Parks Connected.

More information about the European Green Week Agenda.

Programme co-funded by European Union funds (ERDF, IPA, ENI)