InnoSchool - Social needs mapping – an InnoSchool analysis in Czech Republic
We continue our dissemination on social needs territorial conclusions, with interesting facts from Czech Republic. So, caring for and aging population was identified as an important social need in Czech Republic, as May 2019 is dedicated to the social topic. The territorial results were highly taken into consideration on InnoSchool Learning System (ILS) definition.
Aging population is currently affecting all developed countries and is becoming one of the most serious and most discussed social issues. The cause of demographic aging is mainly the fall in birth rates, changes in mortality rates and the prolongation of life expectancy. According to the long-term forecasts of the future development of the number and age structure of the population, the share of older persons in the population of the Czech Republic will continue to increase significantly. Future seniors will differ from their predecessors not only in numerical representation, they will also be more educated and will have higher demands on the standard of living, the range of services, etc. This development brings many changes in society. With this growing need, education and education for healthy lifestyles is much more important. It is proven that a person who does not have unhealthy babies has a much greater chance of living with a lesser incidence of disease. These are also issues that require greater security. Old peoples thinking is changing, they can feel alone and become more and more victims of crime. In recent years, the willingness to care for one's own family has been paralyzed. As a result, there is a growing need to develop housing with nursing care. Another option is to develop the possibility for senior to stay at home, his or her needs help solving for example ancillary services or new aids.
The numbers of older people have been affected in recent years by the passing of the more powerful generations from the Second World War to the age of 65 and over. This age has already been reached by people from the first strong post-war years. The population at this age will increase significantly in the coming decades. The growth in their numbers will reflect the irregularities of the age structure and the expected further prolongation of life expectancy. Absolutely, the number of people aged 65 or over is likely to be nearly doubled from the current 1.7 million to 3.2 million by 2057. By the end of the forecast period (2100), the number of seniors may be reduced to 2.5 million, the number still going well beyond the current level (less than a million). Relative representation of seniors in the population will increase from today's one sixth to one-third. The effects of demographic aging on pension funding are currently very often discussed and counted by the retirement standard actuarial calculations. However, the impact of aging on social services is not studied at all and no comprehensive study has yet been prepared (the population in CZ should drop to 7.68 million by 2100). These statistics are for the whole of the Czech Republic. For the Liberec region, no separate scenarios have been created, and therefore we are based on nationwide scenarios.
The pan-European trend is still living at home in a very old age. Therefore, there is scope for different types of services to enable people to live in their home. It offers options such as assistance services, services to help these people to be independent, medical aids. Surveys also show that entrepreneurs want to employ seniors and 2 out of 10 seniors even think about doing business themselves. Another option is offered in the field of education. There are courses like PC courses, language courses, educational and cultural stays, interest seminars and more. Finally, there are medical and non-medical aids that help the seniors in their independence.
Seniors are an area of great commercial potential, and this is currently an area that is neglected. In Western countries, businesses are now emerging that are directly geared towards these customers, and it turns out to be a good way. Since there is a need that will grow and there is a very scarce amount of service goods for these people, there are many ways to use it. The InnoSchool learning system can offer great support toward achieving this potential by creating a mind frame in which children can incorporate in their entrepreneurial goals ideas that tackle this social need that has great impact on their future.