DTP at the Interreg Annual Meeting in Bucharest


The Danube Transnational Programme participated to the Interreg Annual Meeting 2019 from 22 to 23 May in Bucharest. The event was organized by the European Commission (DG REGIO), and the Romanian EU Council Presidency in order to discuss cooperation in the region and Interreg programme implementation. The Managing Authorities and Joint Secretariats of all Interreg Programmes were invited to attend.

Visits to projects were organised as part of the event. The DTP financed project Danube STREAM, one of the three selected projects for the visits, received the Meeting’s participants on a boat between the Romanian and the Bulgarian Danube border. While navigating the river, participants had an overview of the project targets and outputs.

Danube STREAM aims to improve transnational cooperation between waterways authorities and to harmonise waterway management along the Danube corridor. In addition to consolidating common standards and tools for waterway managers, the project’s results and outputs include transnational user-oriented information services, such as the Danube fair-way information portal (www.danubeportal.com ) and the platform for exchange and coordination of data on Electronic Inland Navigational Charts along the Danube (www.d4d-portal.info ).

This 2 years project was funded with a budget of 2.2 Mln euro provided by ERDF and IPA funds, involving 7 countries in the region and 13 participating partners.

Programme co-funded by European Union funds (ERDF, IPA, ENI)