REDISCOVER - Stolpersteins in Szeged


Gunter Demnig  “You don’t trip on a STOLPERSTEIN, you stumble with your head and your heart.”


A STOLPERSTINE was laid at 12 Gutenberg Street on May 16, 2019 to commemorate Móric Pick (1883-1945) at the house that was his last freely chosen place of residence before being killed in the concentration camp of Bergenbelsen. Móric Pick was one of the two sons of the world-famous winter salami maker Márk Pick. He started his career as an architectural entrepreneur in Szeged (his company built the outstanding Art Nouveau Ungár-Mayer Palace). After the expansion of the family business he became the director of the Pick salami factory in Erlaa, near Vienna, Austria.

Programme co-funded by European Union funds (ERDF, IPA, ENI)