ECO KARST - Training D successfully held in Bukk National Park, Hungary


On April 25, 2019, Green Entrepreneurship Training was held in Eger, Hungary. 36 stakeholders were invited into the event, who actively participated in the former ECO KARST events (esp. Stakeholder’s Workshop 1-3). Altogether with the trainers and national park staff 26 persons participated at the event.

The program was divided into two parts: Part 1 – Training with presentations (3 presentations) and Part 2 – Practice (open space discussion with the trainers and national park representatives).

First, Sašo Gorjanc project’s communication manager (SFS) held a short presentation to briefly introduce the ECO KARST project for the audience.

Then Ákos Vágner (Alfa 75 Bt.) gave an overview on basic financial issues and funding opportunities in rural development. Peter Zimmer (Futour) as a lecturer talked on the development of ecotourism businesses, highlighted several good (and bad) practices. He continued his presentation after the lunch break in an interactive way involving the participant into the conversation.

Szilvia Domán (Eszterházy Károly University) introduced the main marketing strategies and product branding issues.  Small group work and consultancy were taken place after the lunch. All participants were given a ‘certification’ which proves their active participation on the event. The participants considered the presentations useful, thus the limited time it was just a short introduction to the preselected themes (business, ecotourism, marketing). We hope that the participants got the main information concerning to the preselected topics of the training which should help their future (or present) business in order to create a better quality life for themselves and future generation.

Programme co-funded by European Union funds (ERDF, IPA, ENI)