Finance4SocialChange - Preparations for the Pitching Event in Budapest


On 5 June, 8 social enterprises from 5 Danube Region countries have participated in the mentoring Pitching Repair Session to prepare for delivering their presentations in front of the jury during the final conference of SENSES project on June 6.

4 mentors from UK, Ireland and Hungary delivered trainings and went through the different aspects of each social enterprise to build a strong message behind their presentations.

Conrgatulations to the entrepreneurs:

      - Bojana Vuletić - Agro Iris (Serbia);

      - Lisa Wewerka - More Than One Perspective (Austria);

      - Judit Varga and Zsuzsanna Lehel - Felelős Gasztrohős Alapítvány (Hungary);

      - Leonida Kifer - Humana Nova (Croatia);

      - Diana Bekavac - FIERCE WOMEN d.o.o. (Croatia);

      - Dorijan Nuaj - Our House (Serbia);

      - Alena Mihaly and Miroslava Molnár Lachka – TUTO (Slovakia);

      - Martina Matejickova - Kakaw Co+ (Slovakia);


Good luck in finding the suitable partners for you!

Programme co-funded by European Union funds (ERDF, IPA, ENI)