Danube S3 Cluster - SAVE THE DATE - 25 june 2019 - 2nd Entrepreneurial Discovery Focus Group on "Healthy food", organised in Bucharest, Romania


South Muntenia Regional Development Agency, Lead Partner of Danube S3 Cluster project, will organize on 25th of June 2019, the 2nd Entrepreneurial Focus Group on Healthy Food in Bucharest.

Discussions in the "Healthy food" working groups will be based on the following sub-domains:

  • Functional foods - New healthy and nutritionally enriched foods
  • Smart agriculture

This event will provide the opportunity for the clusters and participating regions to bring together the knowledge and innovation potential through collaboration and mutual learning in a transnational process, thus allowing the exchange of know-how and best practices from Western regions to the Eastern regions, generating an innovation ecosystem in which academia and the business community work together, in coordination with regional authorities and civil society, to transform their knowledge into innovative products, services and skills.

For more information and registration at this event, please contact SMRDA experts at programe@adrmuntenia.ro.

4 Entrepreneurial Discovery Focus Groups, organised within Danube S3 Cluster project

This Entrepreneurial Discovery Focus Group is part of a series of events that will be organized this year on the following cross-sectoral themes:

  • Business Models that Work in Circular Economy, 12th March 2019, Bosnia & Herzegovina;
  • Healthy Food – 25th June 2019, Romania;
  • Open Innovation in Clusters – September 2019, Moldova;
  • Market Intelligence in Clusters – October 2019, Ukraine.




Programme co-funded by European Union funds (ERDF, IPA, ENI)