D2C - Meeting of Hungarian and Serbian project experts


On 12 June 2019 the Project Management Department of Duna-Drava National Park Directorate
(Hungary), and Djerdap National Park project staff Lead by Ivan Svetozarevic (both organisations
being partners in the DaRe 2 Connect project) met in Donji Milanovac, headquarters to Djerdap NP,
The meeting was held to discuss habitat connecticity analysis issues dealt with by the DaRe 2 Connect
project, and to learn about each other’s project management activities. The Duna-Drava NP team
was shown around in the new Visitor Centre of Djerdap National Park where they could also make
observations about the environmental education facilities used by their Serbian sister organisation.
Following the visit and the discussions, a short study tour was lead by Djerdap representatives to the
nearby Kovilovo viewpoint, with a possibility to observe land use patterns and wildlife in the Djerdap
area and discuss about these.

Programme co-funded by European Union funds (ERDF, IPA, ENI)