InnoSchool - Territorial Advisory Group meetings in Hungary


In Hungary, the territorial Advisory Group (AG) meetings were organized by the Central Transdanubian Regional Innovation Agency. The meetings took place on different dates between the period of 5 to 7th of June. The representatives of different stakeholder groups were inspired by the InnoSchool Learning System (ILS) and provided a full support of the project and the ILS development. Teachers and representatives of educational policy institution believed that there is an existing need for new ideas and teaching methods in the Hungarian school. Education should be more of skills and competencies development, however, participants did not agree to what extent ILS like programmes should be included in the curricula. Representatives of social sector and social businesses fully support empathizing of the target group, as students should be aware of these societal challenges. They expressed their concerns about the chosen topics for empathizing, as few of them are not too relevant for students. On the contrary, students proved that they are open to the selected topics and they are enthusiastic about the serious game.

To summarize, AG meetings provided really essential input for the ILS development, and helped to project partner to realise and understand better the needs and expectations of various stakeholders.


Programme co-funded by European Union funds (ERDF, IPA, ENI)