ECO KARST - Training D held in Austria


As touristic attractiveness had been identified as the most promising eco system service (ESS) in the Kalkalpen National Park if one focuses on Pro-Biodiversity-Businesses it has been decided to do a workshop on this topic.

The meeting took place in the Villa-Sonnwend in Roßleithen and 15 participants gathered around this topic. 

The participants reported it has been a very intense and interesting day. Andreas Kranzmayr from Alpines Wandermanagement GmbH started with the basics of touristic attraction, then gave a short but intense overview over neuro marketing and the conclusion, this had been the base for the work on making and selecting photos and also text.

A main topic was to implement the principles of NPK (in connection with the other ESS identified and evaluated in ECO KARST project). The main goal of all marketing activites should be to raise awareness that this is one of the most outstanding natural forested areas within Austria. The external expert sees also a great potential for sustainable gentle tourism in this region. This is a perfect destination to show people how nature works and to do some environmental education.

Even if many topics could only be touched during this workshp it was a great possibility to see where to set the next activities for new Pro Biodiversity businesses in the region around Kalkalpen National Park. 

Special thanks to the teams of our project partners Global Nature Fund and Parks Dinarides, who made this workshop possible in the Kalkalpen National Park region!

Programme co-funded by European Union funds (ERDF, IPA, ENI)