Interreg Transnational Programmes in the last issue of PANORAMA magazine


The European Commission (DG Regio) realeased today the new issue of PANORAMA Magazine. 8 pages of this issue are devoted to show how Interreg Transnational Cooperation is helping to solve common challenges and bringing benefits to the citizens. People from the public and private sector, research and academic institutions as well as civil society organisations from different countries work together in Interreg Transnational Cooperation to create harmonious policies and solutions to tackle common issues, to help build trust across borders and foster European integration.

All Interreg Transnational programmes joined forces to create this common article with the to explain and disseminate the amazing achievements and landmarks which can be reached through trasnational cooperation.The article mentions best practices and project examples from across the continent in four main topics:

 Risk Management and Biodiversity       Sustainable Energy and Mobility 

  Enterpreneurship and Innovation      Support Macro-regional Strategies

Specifically, the DTP contributed through its project DriDanube which is dealing with droughts monitoring and warning in a timely manner involving 10 countries across the Danube region. The main aim is a prompt, joint response to achieve a better understanding of the probelm. The project created an inter-institutional management strategy which frames cooperation among national authorities, farmers and water managers before, during and after drought events, not only for exchanging information but also for conducting joint interventions, when necessary. 

The cooperation of the Interreg Transnational Programmes on this issue of PANORAMA Magazine highlights well that challenges and needs which seem to belong to single states, are only defeatable and manageable jointly through sharing knowledge, best practices and common actions at transnational level. The variety of the projects and regions described demonstrates itself the advantages of working together, combining strenghts and facing difficulties in the framework of the EU support.

Read the Interreg Transnational Programmes article in this issue of PANORAMA Magazine.


Programme co-funded by European Union funds (ERDF, IPA, ENI)