
The DTP recently published an updated version of the Communication Toolkit for projects. Communication plays a key role in project implementation, this is the reason why the DTP has created a Communication Toolkit for projects, in a way to support and guide projects throughout all their communication activities from project start up, through implementation, until and even after the closure of a project. A new section focused on how to create good project videos as well as new information about project photos and social media have been included in this new version of the toolkit.

The toolikt takes into account the different targeted audiences, the communication channels and the need for planning and implementation directions. Of course it cannot be specific and tailored for each project the DTP works with, but ithe DTP drew up some general principles for projects funded by Interreg programmes based on combined experience and good practices. This toolkit has been prepared by Interact (the supporting programme of Interreg programmes) and adapted by the Danube Transnational Programme for inspiring communication staff working for projects funded by European territorial cooperation programmes (branded as Interreg) in handling their daily communication activities, from organising events to update social media channels or how to deal with the project photos and videos. 

For any further info about the toolkit and communication issues do not hesitate to contact us.

Programme co-funded by European Union funds (ERDF, IPA, ENI)