FORESDA - Business lunch in the framework of Germany’s National Cluster Week



“FORESDA’s Lead-Partner CyberForum and the project partner, Regional Economic Development Agency of Northern Black Forest, organize on 26th April 2017 a business lunch in the framework of Germany’s National Cluster Week. This event will be the opportunity for the German partners to present the project as well as to discuss about cross-clustering issues and possible cooperationprojects to foster sustainable innovations in the wood sector through specific collaboration with other clusters.   

The business lunch will take place at 12:00 at the PURiNO Restaurant in Karlsruhe (Germany).

Representatives from networks in the wood, IT, creative, automotive, and energy sectors will sit together and initiate cross-clustering cooperation ideas with the wood sector to strengthen the competitiveness of the local industries. Additional interested cluster organisations are invited to write an e-mail to Claire Duval,”  

Programme co-funded by European Union funds (ERDF, IPA, ENI)