RADAR - STUDY VISIT TO UK October 21-23, 2019


The RADAR project will implement learning and transnational cooperation activities to help the relevant organisations in the Danube area to identify risk on their road networks and help them reduce risk systematically by improving road infrastructure and roads’ layout.

The purpose of this study visit, which will be implemented on October 21-23, is to hear about leading UK practice in road injury reduction and the application of Safer Roads Investment Plans and to consider the potential for their application in the Danube region.  The visit will introduce wider issues about how decisions in road safety spending are made, introducing examples from the UK and including site visits to locations in West Sussex.


ABOUT Safer roads investment plans


Safer Roads Investment Plan (SRIP) is the final output of the road assessment procedures, based on video inspection, coding of road attributes and star-rating of road sections. The SRIP presents all the countermeasures proved able to provide the greater safety capacity and maximize the benefits over cost spent on the selected countermeasures 



RADAR project will implement 2-day study visits, each focusing on one of the predefined four thematic areas, where the first Study visit on provision for vulnerable road users (pedestrian and cyclists) focused on sites where countermeasures were successfully implemented and where the best opportunities exist to employ future countermeasures, took place in Slovenia and Croatia in March 2019. 

ADAR project has so far implemented the first Road Safety Expert Group (RSEG) meeting on Thematic Area 1 – Safer Roads Investment Plans. The meeting was attended by national public authorities, international organisations, professionals and road safety engineers and interest groups including NGOs. 


Stay tuned for more information!


Programme co-funded by European Union funds (ERDF, IPA, ENI)