Learning by Doing - Transnational knowledge exchange - 1st study visit in Passau


Promoting transnational knowledge exchange a study visit took place in Passau between 28-30 March, 2017, as part of the Learning by Doing project, in order to map good practices of vocational education and training (VET) in the Danube region.

The three-day-program was hosted and organized by the Chamber of Commerce and Industry in Lower Bavaria in Passau (Associated Strategic Partner), with support of the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Slovenia.

Participants of project partners (chambers, national public authorities) and local VET actors had the opportunity to get a better understanding of the position of VET – regulatory framework, management, institutional capacities, mind-sets - in Germany and Lower-Bavaria through the insight of activities of VET actors (chambers, schools and companies).

On the first day, a presentation about the role of the chamber of commerce and industry in vocational education and training was followed by a visit to the Training Centre of the Chamber of Crafts for Upper Palatine and Lower Bavaria. On the second day, the role of vocational schools and the future prospects of VET were introduced and a visit to the Training Department of ZF AG in Passau allowed participants to collect first-hand information about the involvement of companies in VET. The study trip concluded with a visit to the State Vocational Training School 1 in Passau and a discussion about promoting VET among students and parents at the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Lower Bavaria.

Please find presentations on the following links:










Programme co-funded by European Union funds (ERDF, IPA, ENI)