DTP in the Smart Regions 3.0 Conference


Brussels, 14th-15th November.

The DTP participated together with 4 other Interreg transnational programmes (Central Europe, North Sea Region, Adrion and Sudoe) in the Smart Regions 3.0 'Transforming through Smart Specialisation' Conference with a joint stand in the exhibition area.

The European Commission, Member States and Regions presented achievements in the current financial period 2014-20 and key directions for smart specialization as a tool for an effective economic transformation in 2021-27.

It focused on three topics:

  • Boosting innovation-led growth in the EU industrial transition regions
  • Supporting the catching up EU regions to close the innovation gap
  • Integrating regional economies in the global value chains

In the stand the DTP promoted projects related to Smart Specialisation: Danube S3 Cluster, Made in Danube and Smart Factory Hub. The Conference provided the opportunity to national and regional authorities to share experience on how smart specialization strategies have been implemented, to present projects financed and discuss impacts on the ground. As well as highlighting best practice and lessons learned, there was the opportunity to debate the future of innovation in the context of European regional development with representatives from the European institutions and national and regional governments. 

Programme co-funded by European Union funds (ERDF, IPA, ENI)