MEASURES - Working for reestablishing connectivity of migratory fish habitats at Iron Gates I and II


An important activity for our MEASURES project took place at the end of November at Iron Gates, in Romania and Serbia (Gogosu branch, IG II, Prahovo). DDNI team (Marian Paraschiv, Stefan Hont, Marian Iani and Nicusor Neacsu), together with IMSI (Institute for Multidisciplinary Research) and professional fishermen from Serbia, has downloaded the data from all receivers previously installed in the reservoir on both sides of the Danube, in Romania and Serbia. Simultaneously, they finished the data analysis regarding Iron Gates influence on valuable migratory fishes, like sturgeons.









This activity is quite important for MEASURES, as our project aims to assure longitudinal connectivity of migratory fish habitats along the Danube River and tributaries. Sturgeons will act as flagship species in support of our goals. In order to reproduce, they have to travel further upstream in the Danube to their ancient spawning grounds. However, this important aspect of their life-cycle has been hindered by dams constructed along the river, such as Iron Gates I and II hydropower plants.

About ”We Pass” Project

The project "Study on environmental and ecological thematic in the framework of MRS and policy coordination with DG NEAR / ENV: Support for the Implementation of the Feasibility Study analyzing options for fish migration at Iron Gate I & II" (acronym „We Pass”) aims to create a Feasibility Study analyzing options for fish migration at Iron Gate I & II Expeditions and to study the migratory fish behavior near IG II by tagging and tracking.


Programme co-funded by European Union funds (ERDF, IPA, ENI)