Danube S3 Cluster - SAVE THE DATE – 21-22 January 2020, Sarvar, Hungary – The 1st First Policy Dialogue Workshop & Transnational workshop


In 2020, Danube S3 Cluster project partners will start the year with two new activities, namely the elaboration of the Local Action Plans (LAPs) and the 1st Policy Dialogue Workshop

The event will be hosterd by our Hungarian project partner, PBN Pannon Business Network Association.

During the Policy Dialogue Workshop will be presented EUSDR PA 7 and PA 8, related to Strengthening the Capacities of Cluster and the Working Group on Clusters and Regional development and Artificial Intelligence.

Within the Transnational workshop will be presented the findings or Transnational Analysis of Cluster Potential, will be established the mission, vision and priorities of the LAPs and will take place discussions on coordinated Agro-Food Cluster Program.






Programme co-funded by European Union funds (ERDF, IPA, ENI)