InnoSchool - Serious game – where are we now?


The concept of serious game, as an innovative teaching method, has become an important building block of the 21st century schools. The serious game combines the learning interactions and educational content with multimedia channels, in an entertaining and creative way.

The InnoSchool online serious game has the main function to develop students` skills and competences in an attractive digital environment, thus stimulating the learning process. The online part is integrated in classroom activities, where the students are coached by the teachers, can discuss relevant topics, exchange ideas and get inspired by each other.  All these interactions have a positive impact on the self-development process, especially since reflections on their own performance and on their colleagues’ are encouraged. Apart from the classroom activities, the online tasks will be practiced outside the classroom as well.

For the past months our team has been working on the serious game, the key part of the InnoSchool project. We are pleased to announce that on the 17th of December 2019, the beta version of the game was launched, and it is currently under internal testing.

The main aim of the game is to teach entrepreneurship skills to high school students, but in a way that is attractive and engaging to them. Therefore, the application employs different gaming strategies. The game is centred primarily on opened tasks and quiz questions.  For example, while playing the game, the students will gain “special money”   that could be used to build the office for their business. On the other hand, their performance will be encouraged by different supporters that you can gain or lose thought the game, based on their results. Meanwhile, students will learn everything there is to know about social entrepreneurship, test their knowledge and post their progress on social media.

Here are some snapshots from the game. Who do you think that guy is?

Programme co-funded by European Union funds (ERDF, IPA, ENI)