MEASURES - World Wetlands Day to celebrate and other successful stories for our project


World Wetlands Day is celebrated every year on 2 February. Wetlands take care of water, reflecting the interdependence between water and wetlands and the key role that wetlands play. Wisely using our wetlands is an essential component of the delivery of sustainable water management and water species biodiversity.

Also, there is much to say at global and national levels about wetland species and ecosystems under continuing threat from unsustainable human practices, about the likely impact of climate change on water ecosystems, and importantly, about the role of wetlands and water in climate change mitigation and adaptation.

MEASURES Project in the EUSDR brochure on water success stories

Our project is present in the brochure on EUSDR water success stories, projects from 2017-2019 from different funding instruments. Find information about MEASURES in the pages 26-27 of the brochure – what the project is about and main results up to summer 2019.

MEASURES Project in the NatureBureau Newsletter

In December 2019, a regular newsletter called the ``Biogeographical Process`` was published, in which you can find the latest Natura 2000 news. The MEASURES Project was presented, as a ”Project Focus”.

Programme co-funded by European Union funds (ERDF, IPA, ENI)