URBforDAN - News from Project Partner Vienna


Third Workshop completed


Last week, the third workshop with stakeholders in the framework of Interreg URBFORDAN took place in Vienna in the so-called "Insel-Info" on the Danube Island. The Danube Island with its primeval forest and meadow areas is Vienna’s focus area and within there three URBforDAN target areas have been defined which are the Zinkabachl, the „Tote Grund”, both old arms of the originally meandering Danube, and the Bay at the Reichsbrücke.


Integrated Multi-Use Management Plan presented


Representatives of the City of Vienna, environmental protection, hydraulic engineering and forestry departments, as well as representatives of the most diverse users of the URBforDAN target areas on the Danube Island, cyclists, those seeking relaxation or representatives of the homeless and addiction help were invited. After the group already knew each other well from the previous workshops, it was easy to find a way in the topic. After an introduction to the current project status, the IMMP (integrated multi-use
management plan) was presented to the participants with the jointly developed and already quite concrete implementation measures.


Very helpful inputs in the group work


Subsequently, the group work involved examining these measures in detail for their implementation. In the course of the workshop, very helpful inputs were provided, for example with regard to dealing with people camping in the forest or what complaints can be expected from dog owners and those looking for relaxation, for example if the Zinkabachl and its ecology are to be better protected against intruders. Once again it has been shown that participation and awareness raising are the fundamental basis and companion of our URBforDAN measures.

Programme co-funded by European Union funds (ERDF, IPA, ENI)