D2C - Croatia: Educational workshop on the occasion of the World Wetlands Day


The Dare to Connect project is not only scientific, but also educational one. For example, very useful workshop about wetlands was held in Educational Centre Drava Story in Virovitica in Croatia. Pupils of 1. to 4. grades nearby schools participated in the workshop. 

Although already familiar with many plant and animal species, pupils had the opportunity to learn more about what the presence of particular species in nature tells us. The importance of flood forests, meanders, backwaters and wet meadows was presented by Tatjana Lesić, senior expert associate for protected areas of nature and one of the Dare to Connect experts. In addition, kids were presented understandable way with ecosystem services, or services that nature provides to us for free. Tatjana also introduced the Dare to Connect project. Children liked that their region is participating in such large-european project. 

In the second part of the workshop, children created posters on a topic of wetland biodiversity and devised 10 rules for the conservation of the Drava River that each individual should respect in order to preserve the Drava River and for future generations.

In the last part of the workshop, a member of local fishermen club introduced the role of fishermen and he explained characteristics of the most common fish species in our county and the most important rules and laws that all fishermen must abide by. Students showed a great knowledge of biodiversity and were actively involved in all workshop activities. 

No doubts it makes sense to work with children in schools. In this way, they learn not only a nature and its protection but also about importance of EU collaboration. 

Programme co-funded by European Union funds (ERDF, IPA, ENI)