InnoSchool - Why is InnoSchool unique and special?


InnoSchool is a new and innovative learning system. It combines traditional classroom-based learning methods with digital elements in order to meet the needs of the school of tomorrow. This learning system is unique, mainly due to these important aspects:  



Serious game - an online simulation of social innovation and entrepreneurship providing the user with the opportunity to gain experience and generate an own social business idea. Adding a pedagogical value to this applied game, the serious game will be combined with lectures, guidance and reflection sessions held by teachers to maximize the educational impact through an experiential learning process.



Social media – the InnoSchool approach is built also on social media opportunities! So, each playing team is empowered to share the reached levels during the serious game on their social media accounts. Be prepared: you are about to meet 9 cultures and 90 schools with their teachers, countless students and stories!


InnoSchool believes that a smart fusion of traditional classroom activities and learning in interaction via online simulation helps build the next generation of social entrepreneurs and innovators.



Step-by-step guidance and training - by training sessions, workshops and day-by-day support, teachers will be prepared to strengthen students´ spirits for social entrepreneurship.



Inclusive design and ILS development process – we left behind the one way approach on the development of the ILS system! Using an inclusive design process we were inspired not only by an intensive learning interaction between the project partners, but also by what we call our “project experts”: students and teachers, business representatives, policy bodies, non-governmental organizations and associations. How and when? Through 9 Advisory Groups meetings and their proactive feedback. And another 9 yet to come!



Action plans - our project will make a difference in the Danube macro-region and its voice will be heard.  After InnoSchool piloting and its next refinements, action plans for sharing the know-how will be designed based on territorial inputs. Thus, we will play a relevant part in strengthening social entrepreneurship and innovation in our society.


Programme co-funded by European Union funds (ERDF, IPA, ENI)