Climate Change e- publication


Interact has just issued the publication "Interreg addressing Climate Change: the power of cooperation for a Greener Europe".

The publication collects 37 examples of projects funded by different Interreg programmes which contribute with their results to face climate change.

The Danube Transnational Programme is proud to inform you that DAREFFORT, DriDanube and Danube Floodplain projects, belonging to Priority 2- Environment and Culture responsible Danube region- have been included in this e-publication about climate change! The DTP projects address two important environmental problems such as drought and floods prevention in the Danube region and they contribute, in this way, to tackle the consequences of climate change.

Discover in this e-publication the DTP and other Interreg projects cooperating for a Greener Europe!

Programme co-funded by European Union funds (ERDF, IPA, ENI)