InnoSchool - 2nd Advisory Group Meetings in Romania and Austria


2nd Advisory Group Meetings in Romania and Austria

On the 12th of March 2020, The European Center for Socio Professional Integration - ACTA organized in Oradea, the second Advisory Group meeting for Romania. Due to recent events revolving this pandemic our world is going through, only two high school students were able to attend the event. All the other members, teachers from high school and university professors, representative of the county education authority, social representatives of the associations engaged in social entrepreneurship and business representative were in attendance. 



The feedback provided by the members, especially the high school students, regarding the game was a positive one. They acknowledged the game as being user friendly, with accessible and easy to understand content, interesting description of social needs and study cases that engage the students.

During the discussions, 2 major suggestions where given:

1. The visual text should be accompanied by an auditive narration as well, in order to stimuli more senses.
2. For the game to be accessed by phones, in order to be able to successfully involve more students and to make it easier for them to do their offline activities.

The game interface for teachers was positively appreciated by the members of the Advisory Group, the teacher's feedback being that it’s easy to access and they can find there all the tasks for the evaluation part. The game is considered as a great tool in teaching entrepreneurial education, which will certainly be used after the completion of the project. Moreover, the English version could also be used in connection with language teaching.

The business representatives appreciated the clarity of the content and the structuring of information, as well as the route followed by the InnoSchool Learning System (ILS) to guide students in the development of their own social economy business plans. An important aspect is that all the examples of social entrepreneurs used in the content are real.

On 1th of March another Advisory Group meeting was hosted by InnoSchool Partner, Board of Education for Vienna – European Office (EUB), considering similar conclusions towards development of entrepreneurial education in the Danube Region. 


Programme co-funded by European Union funds (ERDF, IPA, ENI)