InnoSchool - Careers guide as android application


Careers guide as android application


The Ministry of Education and Culture of Republic of Srpska in cooperation with students created virtual careers guide for primary schools graduates through the android application. The application contains data from 2020./2021.  plan on occupations available for enrollment in the first grades of high schools, job descriptions, and statistical data on the needs of the labor market.

Since this situation with COVID-19 changed existing practice introducing primary schools graduates with current occupations available in local high schools, virtual careers guide offers the possibility of quick searches of 106 occupations in 62 local communities.

Hoping that this application will be useful tool to students and their parents in making one of the most important life decisions.

More and more on line tools are introducing in secondary schools with the intention of facilitating access to information and innovative manners of learning. Through project “Strengthening social innovation and entrepreneurial spirit of secondary schools’ students by using highly innovative Learning System - InnoSchool” students will have a chance to adopt knowledge about social entrepreneurship using serious game tool.

Programme co-funded by European Union funds (ERDF, IPA, ENI)