Danube S3 Cluster - International Cluster to Cluster Meeting - C2C 2020 | Goes digital!


The International Cluster-To-Cluster Meeting - C2C 2020 will be held on the 10th June 2020 in digital mode.

The International Cluster-To-Cluster Meeting is a summit gathering clusters from different regions and countries aiming at exploring common areas of interest, activating new partnerships with clusters and other innovation actors, and exchanging innovative models for cluster collaboration.

The event is an annual appointment and the 2020 digital edition is an exclusive opportunity for meeting high-level representatives of clusters and cluster experts to prepare the ground for practical cluster international cooperation and innovative projects.

Participants will have the opportunity to:

  • join an online matchmaking event with two sessions of cluster-to-cluster bilateral meetings 
  • attend two live-streaming talks with keynote speakers

Read more about the event at: https://www.clustercollaboration.eu/event-calendar/international-cluster-cluster-meeting-c2c-2020-goes-digital

Programme co-funded by European Union funds (ERDF, IPA, ENI)