NETWORLD - Bulgaria and the First World War. Places of Memory.


Regional Museum of History - Dobrich as NETWOLRD project partner has already started the preparation and organization of the creative event according the WP6. The idea of the museum experts and the project team members is to provoke young people from all over the country to express their knowledge and impressions about their native places and the connection that they have with the WW1. Students from more than 31 schools in Bulgaria sent their works – reports, historical articles and researches, philosophic essays, paintings and multimedia presentations on the topic “Bulgaria and the First World War. Places of Memory.” From them 35 participants are selected to take part in the final event planned for 16th and 17th of June 2017. Regional Museum of History – Dobrich will cooperate with Municipality - Dobrich, Regional Department of the Ministry of Education and „St. Cyril and Methodius“ High school –Dobrich in order to fulfil successfully the activity. 




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Programme co-funded by European Union funds (ERDF, IPA, ENI)