WOMEN IN BUSINESS - end of 1st pilot training programme in Bulgaria


15 Bulgarian young women entrepreneurs successfully completed training in entrepreneurship. The training was organized within the activities of Women Entrepreneurship Centre – Bulgaria by RAPIV and VFU. In the period from February – June 2020 they gained additional knowledge and skills on how to start and develop successful business. During the last on-site meeting on 30.06.2020 they were so happy to receive their Certificates of Completion. 70 other young women entrepreneurs who attended the pilot trainings only online via WOMEN IN BUSINESS platform were invited to receive their electronic Certificates of Completion.

The rest 14 participants in the programme from Hungary will complete their training by the end of July 2020.

For more updates on the project stay tuned:

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Programme co-funded by European Union funds (ERDF, IPA, ENI)