InnoSchool - Law on Social Entrepreneurship in the Republic of Srpska


Law on Social Entrepreneurship in the Republic of Srpska

During the organization of the Ministry of Economy and Entrepreneurship of the Republic of Srpska, presentation of the draft ,,Law on Social Entrepreneurship” was conducted on Friday, July the 3rd 2020.  This is the first attempt in the Republic of Srpska to regulate doing business concept for persons with limited opportunities to employ and primarily coming from vulnerable categories.  

The Law will enable business entities 50 percent of their profit up to pay off to the capital owners and the other 50 percent can be reinvested.

The public presentation is being achieved within the project "Contribution of civil society organizations to the development of social entrepreneurship", which is financed by the EU, and in partnership with the "Local Democracy Foundation" from Sarajevo and the "Lara" Foundation from Bijeljina.

The presentation of the draft Law on Social Entrepreneurship was attended by the InnoSchool project board member, Mr. Goran Rodic. It was an excellent opportunity to present common points of Innoschool project related to social entrepreneurship theme.

Project „Strengthening social innovation and entrepreneurial spirit of secondary schools’ students by using highly innovative Learning System-Innoschool“ is financed through EU Interreg Danube Transnational Programme. InnoSchool tackles the need for system change to support weak entrepreneurial culture and low engagement to social innovation and entrepreneurship.

Programme co-funded by European Union funds (ERDF, IPA, ENI)