InnoSchool - The first Romanian InnoSchool Day Seminar


The first Romanian InnoSchool Day Seminar


On the 8th of July, the Centre for Resources and Educational Assistance of Bihor County and the European Center for Socio Professional Integration ACTA organized the first InnoSchool Day Seminar on behalf of Romania.

This event aimed to increase the interest, knowledge and competencies of secondary school’s management and teachers regarding the InnoSchool Learning System – especially the Serious Game as teaching method for developing entrepreneurial spirit of students.

More than 20 teachers, 20 high school headmasters and social representatives of the associations engaged in social entrepreneurship participated in an online event that was designed to further share the knowledge about InnoSchool.

We are looking forward to the second InnoSchool Day Seminar that will take place next year and will share the impact and results of the Piloting!



Programme co-funded by European Union funds (ERDF, IPA, ENI)