
We are back with news about our important event!

September 2-3, 2020

The meeting took place online, via Zoom platform during two very interesting and intense days of presentations and discussions, bringing together in the first day the partners from the project and in the second day the project partners and important stakeholders.

The first day was allocated to the presentations made by the leaders of the work packages.

After the welcome and the project overview made by the Lead Partner, the leaders of work packages informed about the activities carried out from the last meeting until now, the progress made in the project, the activities planned for the next months of the project and the expectations from all partners so that the remaining activities would go as planned.

Some important aspects/results emphasized during day 1 presentations:

The online training platform in English was already launched (WP5), and its launching was promoted on INDEED project website, Facebook, Twitter, YouTube channel.
The launch of the RO/SI/SK/BG versions of the INDEED online platform is upcoming (WP5) and will be also promoted by WP2 on different media channels.
The platform will be piloted through different workshops (WP6) that are going to take place starting with September 2020. The first one will take place on September 26 in Ljubljana, Slovenia. A schedule of the following workshops together with the agenda were included into the WP6 presentation.
As for the content of the online training platform (WP4), is now being translated into BG/SK/SI/RO. The next project phase in WP4 is the “content refinement” where the group will evaluate how the content should be adapted to best match the needs of the target group (workshop participants and users of the online platform). Feedback from policy makers (WP7) will be taken into account for the content refinement.
WP7 - The upcoming activity is the “policy safari” (maybe in an online format) which is a series of interviews with policy makers from the piloting countries (BG RO SK SI) and Hungary. An interview guide has already been developed under the lead of SK in collaboration with several ASPs in 2020. the policy safari will start in September/October with Slovenia – followed by Hungary, with all interviews being completed at the beginning of 2021
WP1 - the project is following the original timelines as closely as possible. Due to the pandemic, several adjustments regarding the content and budget were necessary: The most extensive change was to decrease the number of pilot actions (WP6) – possibly adapting the pilot actions to be hosted in an online format. Also, the pandemic caused slight delays in WP5 – the WP4 “content refinement” phase will be extended due to the adjusted timelines in WP6.

Day 2 of the meeting was dedicated to a very interesting Roundtable on project sustainability, where the goal was to review recent project activities in regard to sustainability and to develop a strategy for achieving project sustainability. In a brief project overview, the Lead Partner emphasized that there are two key elements of INDEED that should be sustained: the workshop materials and the multilingual online platform.

After the welcome, the presentations made in this day were:

INDEED as a DTP project (Johannes Gabriel, JS)
How to achieve project sustainability? (Alina Mihalache, NCP RO; Gabor Szudi, Excellence-in- ReSTI)
Overview on INDEEDs sustainability efforts from teams in Bulgaria, Romania, Slovakia, Slovenia, Austria
Towards a strategy to sustain the INDEED materials and closing remarks

After a long, but successful session of discussions, having in center the project sustainability, some strategic directions were established that will be analyzed in detail in the upcoming period of time.



Programme co-funded by European Union funds (ERDF, IPA, ENI)