WOMEN IN BUSINESS - Good Practices Handbook is available online!


The Good Practices Hanbook is a result of joint efforts of all WOMEN IN BUSINESS project partners. It is based on the methodology followed by the WOMEN IN BUSINESS project for analyzing, selecting, describing and evaluating of good practices for women entrepreneurship support. All partners identified 43 good practices for the purposed of the transnational learning. Most of them were presented during the six Transnational Learning Events held in different countries.

WOMEN IN BUSINESS project aims to develop, through a mutual learning process, innovative training models which will be the main tool for fostering young women entrepreneurship and will be the main part of the Women Entrepreneurship Centers.  On the other hand, the validated good practices will serve as a ground for development of the Policy Agenda with policy recommendations.

The first part of the Good Practices (GPs) Handbook outlines the methodology followed by all project parners for identification, selection and describing of GPs for young women entrepreneurship support in the 9 Danube Region countries involved in the project. The second part - provides a description of 10 GPs for young women entrepreneurshipsupport evaluated by project partners and validated by the members of the Advisory Board. At the end, all the presented GPs are showcased.

The full text of the Good Practices Handbook could be found in Publications section. For downloading the full text click on the cover page.

More details of all 43 GP are presented in the GPs Database available of the project web page: http://dtp.interreg-danube.eu/approved-projects/women-in-business/section/good-practices-database



Programme co-funded by European Union funds (ERDF, IPA, ENI)