OJP4Danube - Kick-off meeting - July 22, 2020


The kick-off-ZOOM-meeting was organized by the lead partner AustriaTech and enrolled 28 partner participants. At the beginning, the Lead Partner provided current actions that are connected to the project (e.g. the Interreg Alpine Space LinkingAlps project) and informed the consortium about the project’s contract, the applied guidelines and specifics of the FLC reporting.

The program of the meeting unfolded into a few important project-related presentations, focusing on project technical framework as well as its connection to other past and current OJP projects (LinkingAlps and LinkingDanube). Following it, project WP Leaders gave an overview of the WP M (Management) and the WP C (Communication) work packages. They have also provided prospective plans for development of project strategies and methods for interconnection of multimodal transport networks and support of future adopters.

In order to create a common starting point for the project activities, all participating information services elaborated on their status quo in particular with regards to bicycling and rail travelling (and their multimodal combination) in the operative region. In accordance with the project time frame, the discussions also revolved around the desired capabilities and level of service in three years. Especially in the field of bike transport information and bike-and-ride use cases, regional differences became obvious. Yet the service operators were completely in line when looking to the target system capabilities at the end of the project. The further harmonization of cross-regional services was a major priority with dedicated support for bike commuters and tourists.

Programme co-funded by European Union funds (ERDF, IPA, ENI)