CINEMA - Overview on pilot locations for the CINEMA project


The CINEMA project aims to foster urban regeneration by collaborating with creative industries. The revitalisation of urban areas and city centres is a key challenge for social cohesion and competitiveness in the Danube Region. However many regions in the Danube area lack a vision or strategies on how to integrate the creative industries in the urban context and have little knowledge or awareness on the potential of the Creative Industries (CI). The CINEMA project aims to change this and will develop roadmaps, tools and concepts of cross-fertilisation. They will  support the local and regional administration and retail owners in order to shape new urban economies, involving creatives and citizens at the same time.

Together we will bring creative spirit and innovation to urban economy sectors by

  • developing creative spaces in previously abandoned areas and buildings,
  • revitalising retail and small businesses by encourageing the cooperation between creatives and retailers and
  • establishing support centres for creatives.

All this takes place in pilot locations throughout the participating regions where the tools will be developed, tested and realised. This will serve as a blueprint for all further urban development activities in the Danube Region. The locations vary from abandoned industry compounds to medieval inner city centers. Here you will find an overview on the pilot locations.

Programme co-funded by European Union funds (ERDF, IPA, ENI)