In its capacity as activity leader, the Faculty of Transport and Traffic Engineering (FTTE), University of Belgrade, has prepared the Deliverable D.T1.1.1 “Report on the selected Core & Comprehensive Network Sections and Nodes of the transport corridors on the Danube Region”. The report provides a detailed analysis of the Danube Region transport routes, corridor nodes and their access links, TEN-T connections in nodes or correlations with other roads, rail and IWT freight corridors. The approach of the study is based on the analysis of road, rail and inland waterway connections, i.e. sections on TEN-T corridors between 20 selected ports on the Danube.
Following ports were chosen for detailed analysis:
- Austria: Ennshafen and Vienna;
- Slovakia: Bratislava and Komarno;
- Hungary: Budapest, Dunaújváros and Baja;
- Croatia: Vukovar;
- Serbia: Bogojevo, Bačka Palanka and Prahovo;
- Romania: Drobeta Turnu-Severin, Giurgiu, Galati and Constanta.
- Bulgaria: Lom and Ruse;
- Moldova: Giurgulesti;
- Ukraine: Reni and Izmail.
The analysis of the TEN-T sections included:
- Defining start and end points of the section;
- Determining the type of section (Conventional, High-speed, Motorways, etc.);
- Defining the TEN-T corridors to which the section belongs;
- Defining the TEN-T network to which the section belongs (Core, Comprehensive network)
- Status of the section (Completed, To be upgraded, New construction, etc.).
The results of the study have enabled us to clearly understand the transport infrastructure basis and determine both the existing and planned infrastructure needs in the Danube Region, while they can be used in accordance with the specific tasks of different other studies. In our case, such an overview of the TEN-T corridor alignment in the Danube Region will be helpful to identify and label gaps that are relevant for a better functioning transport system and for a higher share of waterborne transport.
Source: https://ec.europa.eu/transport/infrastructure/tentec/tentec-portal/map/maps.html
TEN-T network links between Danubean ports and Black Sea