DanuP-2-Gas - Call for Feedback


The aim of DanuP-2-Gas is to elaborate an interactive platform for stakeholders to find optimal locations for the installation of biomass conversion plants regarding available biomass resources, infrastructure and legal framework, and to find potential partners for future projects and suitable funding opportunities in the Danube region. In order to design the platform according to the needs and wishes of the future users, we are collecting input from stakeholders in the form of two questionnaires. The first questionnaire is about the functionality and content of the platform in general, the second one is specifically about data on infrastructure and biomass resources and which data will be needed by stakeholders. Filling out the questionnaires takes about 15 minutes each.

We kindly ask you to take the time and use your expertise to help us create a good and helpful platform. Thank you very much in advance for your participation!

Links to the questionnaires:



Programme co-funded by European Union funds (ERDF, IPA, ENI)