INDEED - Romania - Conference of Family Medicine with International Participation


We are happy to inform that our INDEED project was presented to the Conference of Family Medicine with International Participation, that took place in Romania in a virtual format in the period 24-27 March 2021.

The presentation was included into a special session dedicated to elderly people, and focused on the main aspects, starting with the project idea objectives and partners.

It was highlighted the online learning platform with its features, as well as the workshops where the platform was piloted. The theoretical aspects were followed by a study case where the participants (around 225 persons), mainly family doctors, had the opportunity to see a short video about a patient with dementia and to find out in the platform the answers to the questions from the study case, this way learning how to navigate in the platform to find the necessary information. They were also encouraged to use the platform for their daily clinical activity.

For more information regarding the programme please click here:



Programme co-funded by European Union funds (ERDF, IPA, ENI)