
One of the core development principals of DanuP-2-Gas aimed at supporting investment and uptake of focus technologies is to elaborate an interactive platform for stakeholders to find optimal locations for the installation of biomass conversion plants regarding available biomass resources, infrastructure, and legal framework, and to find potential partners for future projects and suitable funding opportunities in the Danube region.

DanuP-2-Gas builds upon the ENERGY BARGE project co-funded by the European Union within the Danube Transnational Programme. One of the core outputs of the ENERGY BARGE project was the “Modal Shift Platform” (available at https://www.energy-barge.eu/atlas?show=modalshift) applied for the exchange of experiences and best practices amongst key stakeholders, as well as for extending the deployment of biomass for energy production in the Danube region. This will provide the basis on which the Danube Energy Platform will be established.

To design the platform according to the needs and wishes of future users, we are collecting input from stakeholders in the form of two questionnaires. The first questionnaire is about the functionality and content of the platform in general, the second one is specifically about data on infrastructure and biomass resources and which data is needed in concrete terms.

We kindly ask you to take the time and use your expertise to help us create a better platform. Filling out the questionnaires takes about 15 minutes each.

Thank you very much in advance for your participation!

Links to the questionnaires:


QUESTIONNAIRE 1: Danube Energy Platform  


QUESTIONNAIRE 2: Biomass and Infrastructure databases


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Programme co-funded by European Union funds (ERDF, IPA, ENI)