
In Vienna the InnoSchool Pilot started on the 3rd of November 2020 with 10 classes in 3 schools: Bundeshandelsakademie und Bundeshandelsschule Wien 10, International Business College Hetzendorf and Vienna Business School Schönborngasse. By the end of the Pilot on the 19th of February 2021, 11 teachers and 221 students participated in the piloting of InnoSchool.

Testing took place in distance-learning mode, with some single in-school-lessons in the last two weeks of the piloting, and all the students that started where able to finish the testing.

The overall feedback regarding InnoSchool and the Serious Game was positive both from teachers and students. Here are a few testimonials to better show you their thoughts and feelings:

Teacher: “The Innoschool program is a fabulous opportunity to bring the topic of social entrepreneurship closer to the students in an innovative way. The students work in a team to develop a business idea for a current social or ecological problem in their environment. They work independently on the platform, are guided through the individual modules and get prepared for the team tasks. Through a mix of dialogues, quizzes and videos a variety of methods is offered. The students are highly motivated and the gamification elements (designing the own office, ranking, awards) are fun. Through the team tasks at the end of each module, I, as a teacher, get regular insights on how far the students are in the development of their ideas and can give specific feedback and suggestions. This gives me the opportunity to act from the position of a coach and only intervene where the students need me. At the same time, I continuously receive written tasks that I can use for the assessment. In terms of content, the program is well designed and enables the students to work out their ideas in a manageable period of time and develop a business plan. It is a pleasure to see how students outgrow themselves as part of a team. Especially in distance learning, it was a relief for me to be able to use a ready-made tool that provides grounded information and integrated exercises. I would take part in the InnoSchool program again with a class at any time."


What I like about InnoSchool is that we were able to work in teams and that everything in the game is so colourful. I also like that the content is explained in a clear and understandable way.”

What I really like is that you get the feeling you are acting as a real entrepreneur in the game; that you have your own office and that you are in competition with your competitors.”

With InnoSchool we were able to discover our strengths, develop something new and learn new ways of working. InnoSchool was a nice alternative to the actual lessons.

InnoSchool was easy to implement in the distance learning phase. In the class, together as a team, it would probably have been even more fun.

We, the InnoSchool partners, congratulate all the students and teachers that have succesfully completed the ILS testing and thank them for all their hard work and support.

Programme co-funded by European Union funds (ERDF, IPA, ENI)