MELIA Observatory - Invitation to the Marathon Webinar Day - Virtual International Summer School 2021 at Algebra (July 4-24, 2021)


Our Project parner Algebra University College from Croatia is organizing the Algebra’s Marathon Webinar Day on 15 April 2021.

You can join them and learn about Algebra’s Virtual International Summer School 2021 – our distant but still social summer school program in July.

Choose between one of two time slots: 

- 10 AM - Central European Time (CET)
- 2 PM - Central European Time (CET).

For participation, click on the Marathon Webinar Day link: (via the Ms Teams platform).

This exclusive webinar is open for partners and students, so we kindly ask you to share the attached webinar link and the flyer information with your interested students.

For more info do not hesitate to contact them at in case you have any questions.



Kind regards,

Lidija, Petra & Klara

Algebra University College



Programme co-funded by European Union funds (ERDF, IPA, ENI)