Danube S3 Cluster - Local Action Plan on Business models that work in circular economy in Serbia


Faculty of technical sciences is implementing local action plan on Business models that work in circular economy in Serbia. Aim of the LAP was to develop the ideas of cooperation, internationalization, open innovation, general strengthening of clusters and close cooperation with R&D sin sector of circular economy and general. Four project ideas were selected and actively promoted through meetings. Three cooperation agreements have been established within the LAP and ideas are further disseminated to clusters related to agro-food sector in Serbia. Project ideas were:

  1. Using fishery effluents as substrates for organic production – aquaponics – with the aim to reduce wastes of freshwater fishery in ponds by using effluents as nutrients for organic production of vegetables and medicinal and aromatic crops.
  2. Strengthening of agro-food clusters in Western Balkan region and their cooperation in the topic of circular bioeconomy – with the aim to
  • develop instruction for national and regional authorities in the region how to include clustering in national legislation.
  • support biobased and circular economy,
  • propose business models for circular bio economy

       3. Bio-based filtering materials for water and air treatment – with the aim to increase technology readiness level of bio-based filtering material.

       4. Production of LCB and green building block chemicals from biomass grown on polluted soils as remediation measure – with the aim to develop a new approach for biorefining, production of lignocellulosic bioethanol – LCB and green building block chemicals, based on agricultural feedstock grown on degraded soils

Forth one was applied, Horizon 2020 cal, but, unfortunately not selected for financing. It is expressed high interest for first project, by partners from Romania and Hungary. Very interesting, in general and for circular bioeconomy, is second one.

In addition, two projects related to circular economy and bioeconomy have been developed. One, bilateral with Germany (institution from Freising, Bavaria), has been approved, and is currently running. Second one is national project which, until now, passed first phase of evaluation. It is just running preparatory for application of third additional project, related to the utilization of soybean straw as a fuel for thermal energy generation.

It has been established contact with national authorities relevant for circular bioeconomy.

Programme co-funded by European Union funds (ERDF, IPA, ENI)