WOMEN IN BUSINESS - Invitation for networking event


BWCON and WOMEN IN BUSINESS project team invite you to a networking event: "More visibility for female entrepreneurs and women in leadership positions" which will be held on the 4th of May 2021 from 16:00-18:00 CET. The aim is to provide a platform for an exchange between women entrepreneurs and women in leadership positions. The event will take place in a world café format in order to enable a more personal exchange between the participants. We are looking forward to speakers as Sophia Rödiger who is working in a leadership position for Daimler Mobility and who is also a founder of two companies.

Language of the event: German

Find more information here: https://events.bwcon.de/events/leadership-mehr-sichtbarkeit-fuer-frauen-in-fuehrungspositionen-das-networking-event-im-rahmen-von-women-in-tech-hidden-champions-gesucht/

Programme co-funded by European Union funds (ERDF, IPA, ENI)