InnoSchool - The InnoSchool Transnational Evaluation Workshop


On the 20 and 21 of April the InnoSchool partners and relevant stakeholders participated in the InnoSchool Transnational Evaluation Workshop to discuss the results of the ILS piloting that took place in 9 European countries between September 2020 and February 2021; and the next steps going further with the implementation of the project.

The event was opened, led, and moderated by Michal Stefan from DEXIC. On the first day Arnold Gutmayer, representative of Vienna Board of Education European Office, presented shortly the advanced InnoSchool Learning System concept, Michal Stefan shared key aspects of the ILS Pilot and Vojtech Jira from DEXIC presented a summary measuring spirit of students after Pilot on an international level.

In the second part of the first day Michal Stefan presented a summary from territorial evaluation reports. All the participants were divided into groups according to region and worked together to discuss the biggest benefits of the Pilot and identify the top 15 most important aspects to be improved in the next steps of the project.

On the second day Michal Stefan opened with a summary of the developments from the first day and continued with a division into 3 working groups (Social, Game and Education) led by the Simona Trip from The European Center for Socio Professional Integration ACTA, Frantisek Janke form Technical University of Kosice and Arnold Gutmayer from Vienna Board of Education European Office. During the workshop, the aspects from the day before were discussed within each group and ways to improve where identified and later presented to all the participants by the 3 working group leaders.

The InnoSchool Transnational Evaluation Workshop was closed by Michal Stefan with a few parting words and thanking all the participants for their participation and hard work.  

Programme co-funded by European Union funds (ERDF, IPA, ENI)